New print-time estimator in the Info Bar panel. Hourglass model by Taavi Simson via GrabCad.
We're shipping more printers every week – but that doesn't mean we're neglecting our software. Our earliest users have been putting the Form 1 through its paces, and in our latest PreForm update, we're working to keep up with them! PreForm 0.8.3 rolls out a suite of refinements, fixes, and new features to get you printing better.
Many of you have requested a PreForm print-time estimator – and we've added one. You'll see the new clock icon under the Info Bar setting, which will allow you to get an estimated print-time of your model at different scales and layer-heights.
Bundled into PreForm 0.8.3 are also some substantial features that will allow us to solve problems more quickly. PreForm has access to settings stored within the Form 1 itself and it can automatically manage firmware updates. This allows us to deploy new features and fixes directly to your Form 1. With PreForm 0.8.3, you'll receive a new firmware update that allows your Form 1 to send diagnostic and performance information back to your computer.
Knowing how effectively your Form 1 is functioning is critical for us in improving its performance, and correspondingly, PreForm 0.8.3 now also includes an opt-in data-collection feature, which allows us to collect errors and information useful for improving the Form 1 and the PreForm software.
We hope you'll be willing to share with us and we've updated our privacy policy to reflect this new, vital tool. Our community is growing fast, so we hope you'll be willing to help in these early days, and usher in a new chapter in professional 3D printing.
We know that many of you are waiting eagerly for the OS X version of PreForm. We are very close, with some final details to square away. We'll let you know the moment it's ready.
PreForm 0.8.3
- Software print-time estimator
- Optional data collection for Form 1 and PreForm performance feedback
- Improved laser tracking
- Improved faceplant tool functionality
- Firmware update for Form 1, improving analytics for calibration
- Improved material configurations for better print performance
- Improved dimensional accuracy
- A variety of bugfixes and tweaks