20 feb 2018

Formlabs Demonstrates Automated Production and Digital Dentistry at LMT Lab Day and Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting

Form Cell will demo 24/7 lights-out manufacturing and will ship to initial dental lab customers in the first half of the year

SOMERVILLE, Mass.,, 20 feb 2018Formlabs, the designer and manufacturer of powerful and accessible 3D printing systems, will showcase the Form Cell, a fully automated 3D printing platform, for the first time to the dental world, at LMT Lab Day and a range of dental workflows at Chicago Midwinter Meeting.

Form Cell, the first commercially available automated 3D printing system, ships to initial customers in the first half of 2018. New England Orthodontic Lab and Recigno Lab will be taking advantage of automation with the Form Cell as a cost-effective way to scale up production, reduce labor costs, and enable 24/7, lights-out manufacturing.

“Digital is my future. I'm constantly looking at what my business is going to need in the next 2-5 years, and staying ahead of those trends, said Christian Saurman, New England Orthodontic Lab. “3D printing with the Form 2 and automating this process with the Form Cell is a huge part of remaining competitive as a lab."

The Form Cell builds on a strong foundation by Formlabs, whose Form 2 3D printers have already been adopted by thousands of dental users. By delivering a reliable and cost-effective platform for a traditionally expensive technology, Formlabs Form 2 printers have a 95 percent print success rate, building confidence in adoption of 3D printing for a wide range of dental applications, including thermoformed aligners, models, surgical guides, and splints.

"Formlabs has done an amazing job with all of the automated systems under the hood, they’ve made reliable 3D printing something that I can now take for granted,” said David Recigno, Recigno Labs. "We're already scaling up production with the Form 2, and are looking towards further streamlining production costs with the Form Cell. Recigno Labs has for over 60 years utilized advanced technology to advance the practices of dentists throughout the U.S.”

“To date, Form 2 users have completed more than 100,000 surgeries with Dental SG, made more than 20,000 splints and printed more than 1 million 3D printed dental parts,” said Gideon Balloch, Dental Product Lead at Formlabs. “The Form 2 is powerful for dental businesses of any size, and the Form Cell is a strong next step for labs to consider as they look to scale. Our customers have seen a huge improvement in printing with Form 2 for high-quality, reliable, cost-effective and diverse material option prints.”

To learn more please visit formlabs.com or stop by one of the following event locations:

  • LMT Lab Day, booth #D66 and Form Cell demo at Henry Schein Zahn’s booth (Hyatt Regency, Ballroom E & F), February 23-24, 2018

  • On Saturday, February 24th at 1:00 p.m. CT, Formlabs and Dr. Tim Hart will present, “Digitally Transforming your Dental Lab with Desktop 3D Printing,” you can find more information on the session here.

  • Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting booth #5017, February 22-24, 2018


Formlabs sta ampliando l'accesso alla fabbricazione digitale, in modo da rendere la stampa 3D alla portata di tutti. L’azienda leader nella stampa 3D ha introdotto la sua business unit dentale nel novembre 2019 per soddisfare le esigenze dei laboratori odontotecnici e degli studi di ogni dimensione. Formlabs Dental è composta da un team di professionisti del settore dentale dedicati a fornire le migliori soluzioni di stampa 3D del settore. Formlabs ha migliorato la vita di centinaia di migliaia di pazienti grazie alla stampa di 13 milioni di parti dentali sulla Form 2 e ha recentemente ampliato ulteriormente questo impatto con l’aggiunta di dispositivi hardware incentrati sul dentale, la Form 3B, la Form 3B+ e la Form 3BL. Oltre ai suoi prodotti hardware, Formlabs ha oltre 50 ingegneri dei materiali e una solida offerta di materiali dentali disponibili per essere utilizzati sulle stampanti Form 3B, Form 3B+ e Form 3BL.

Informazioni per la stampa:


Valeria Macis
[email protected]
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