Mark Scott is a research scientist at Harvard. His research focuses on 3D bioprinting, with the ultimate goal of printing a human brain.
A friend to Formlabs, Mark was also our Resident Research Scientist for six months, and contributed to the Formlabs’ resins you have come to know and love.
Mark is fascinated with 3D printing as a research tool, and in the Form 1+ video demonstrates a series of millifluidic devices designed by Yoav Reches and Will Patrick, a research assistant in Neri Oxman’s Mediated Matter group at the MIT Media Lab.
Formlabs’ Clear Resin is great for viewing internal channels and use in millifluidic applications like the 3-channel mixer.
Clear Resin allows Mark to view the flow of millifluidics in prototypes printed on the Form 1+.
“3D printing lets me quickly throw up a prototype and test my hypotheses until I get to the device that works for the experiment,” Mark said.

Mark also uses 3D printing as an educational tool. He believes it is important for his students to be able to prototype designs rapidly and in three dimensions. 3D printing, he observes, is quickening the pace in his field of research for the ability to share 3D models in reproducing and building on experiments.

Learn more about stereolithography printing with Clear Resin: Request a free sample part below.