Formlabs Extends Global Presence Into China
Strategic partnership with Xi’an Elite Robotics brings Formlabs’ stereolithography 3D printing technology to Chinese market.
10 mar 2015 – Formlabs, the creators of the Form 1+ desktop 3D printer, today announced a strategic partnership with Xi’an Elite Robotics Co. Ltd., a leading distributor of high-technology products in China.
Formed in response to growing market demand in China, Xi’an Elite Robotics will be the first official distributor to sell and service Formlabs printers in China. This partnership ensures Formlabs customers in China will enjoy the high levels of customer service and after-sales care that Formlabs offers in Europe and North America.
“With Xi’an Elite Robotics, our local partner in the region, we are thrilled to offer our Chinese customers the Formlabs’ experience that our customers have come to love,” says Luke Winston, Formlabs Operations Lead.
Formlabs’ flagship desktop stereolithographic 3D printer, the Form 1+, is an award-winning tool used by engineers, designers, and artists around the world. Known for its high-resolution 3D prints, precision engineering, and sleek design, the Form 1+ has become one of the key players in desktop 3D printing, with users in the USA, Europe and Asia.
The Form 1+ package comes shipped with a Form 1+ 3D printer, resin tank, and finish kit, with a library of standard and functional resins available for purchase.
“China is an exciting market for us. We’re looking forward to what designers and engineers in China will create with the Form 1+ 3D printer,” says Max Lobovsky, Formlabs’ co-founder.
Wang Hui, the founder of Elite Robotics, says, “The Form 1+ is a breakthrough product in the digital fabrication landscape. We are proud to be the first official distributor of Formlabs’ 3D printing technology in China, and bring this award-winning 3D printer to Chinese consumers.”
The Form 1+ 3D printing package is available in China from Xi’an Elite Robotics’ website.
About Formlabs
Formlabs designs and manufactures powerful and accessible digital fabrication tools for designers, engineers, and artists. It was founded by a team of engineers and designers from the MIT Media Lab and Center for Bits and Atoms, and launched in 2012 in a record-breaking $3M Kickstarter campaign. Its first product, the Form 1, shipped in 2013. Learn more at
About Xi’an Elite Robotics
Xi’an Elite Robotics Co., Ltd., located in Overseas Students Pioneering Park of Xi’an National High-tech Development Zone, was founded in September 2011. Xi’an Elite Robotics is the authorized distributor of Formlabs SLA 3D printing products in China. A high-quality service provider of Formlabs SLA 3D printing equipment, Xi’an Elite Robotics is also a professional integrated solutions supplier and a leading innovative brand in high quality 3D printing services.
Media Contact
Colin Raney
Global Marketing Director
[email protected]
Elite Robotics
Li Wei
Marketing Director
[email protected]
携手战略合作伙伴西安非凡士 将Formlabs光固化3D打印技术带入中国市场
2015年3月10日 –- 作为 Form 1+ 桌面级 3D 打印机的创始者,Formlabs 公司今天宣布与中国领先的高科技产品代理商西安非凡士机器人科技有限公司,正式确立战略合作伙伴关系。
为满足不断扩大的中国市场需求,西安非凡士将成为 Formlabs 打印机在中国的首家官方代理商,以提供销售和服务支持。该合作关系确保 Formlabs 的中国消费者,能够享受与 Formlabs 在欧洲和北美市场同样高水准的客户服务和售后服务。
“有了西安非凡士这个中国本土合作伙伴,我们很兴奋能够把 Formlabs 客户所喜爱的体验同样提供给我们中国的客户。”Formlabs 运营总监 Luke Winston 说道。
Formlabs 公司一流的桌面光固化 3D 打印机 —— Form 1+是一款备受全世界工程师、设计者和艺术家们赞誉的产品。凭借极高的 3D 打印分辨率,精密的工程塑造和时尚的外观,Form1+ 已成为桌面级 3D 打印机的领导品牌之一,用户遍布美国、欧洲和亚洲。
Form 1+ 打印机销售套装包含 Form 1+ 3D 打印机一台,树脂槽,清洁包以及可供购买的标准树脂和功能性树脂库。
“对我们来说,中国是一个令人兴奋的市场。我们很期待中国的设计师和工程师们会用 Form 1+ 3D 打印机做出什么。”Formlabs的联合创始人 Max Lobovsky 说。
“Form 1+ 是数字制造方面的突破性产品。我们很荣幸能够成为Formlabs 3D 打印技术在中国的官方代理商,将此备受赞誉的 3D 打印机带给中国的消费者。”西安非凡士创始人王辉说:
Form 1+ 3D 打印机套装现在已经可以在西安非凡士网站 获取了解。
Formlabs 专为设计师、工程师和艺术家,设计制造功能强大且易操作的数字制造工具。公司由来自美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室、比特和原子实验中心的设计者和工程师团队创建,于 2012 年在众筹网站Kickstarter上获得打破纪录的 300万美金融资。其第一代产品 Form 1,于 2013 年正式出品。欲知详情,请登录
2011年 9月,是 Formlabs 系列光固化 3D 打印产品在中国的授权代理商。西安非凡士现已成为Formlabs系列光固化 3D 打印设备销售, 服务一体的专业集成方䅁提供商,优质 3D 打印服务创新领军品牌。
Colin Raney