Have you ever found yourself wondering: how does the Form 1+ 3D printer work?
Take a virtual tour of the Form 1+ 3D printer for a closer look at the details of each part. The interactive, annotated model was created on Sketchfab by Formlabs designers for you to see each piece of the Form 1+ and how the parts work together to create fast, professional-grade prints.
Form 1+ 3D printer by formlabs on Sketchfab
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See the list of annotations below to quickly find the parts you’re looking
1 - Laser
2 - Y Galvo
3 - X galvo
4 - Galvo mirror
5 - Small mirror
6 - Galvo block
7- Large mirror
8 - Peel motor
9 - Clevis
10 - Z-axis motor
11 - Resin tank carrier
12 - Resin tank
13 - Build platform
14 - Carriage
15 - Z-axis leadscrew
16 - Main circuit board
17 - Galvo driver board
18 - Front panel
19 - OLED screen