Customize Parts and Increase Efficiency With New PreForm Features & Shareable Print Settings

Screenshot of PreForm with 3D versions of the Formlabs logo inside a part cage

Formlabs seeks to bring the same ease of use and intuitive workflows to print setup as we do to the rest of our innovative 3D printing ecosystems. Each new version of our free PreForm print preparation software upgrades your experience, broadening the tools available to users, speeding up printing, increasing print success, and easing post-processing workflows. 

The latest PreForm update includes new print setup features. Part Cages for our Fuse Series selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printers increase job success, batch production, and traceability when post-processing small or delicate parts. For both Fuse Series SLS 3D printers and Form Series stereolithography (SLA) 3D printers, hollowing parts and drilling drain holes decrease material usage for faster printing and reduced costs. 

Texturing and labeling are the newest Model Manipulation features, directly affecting the surface of a 3D printed part. Texturing enables the addition of textures and patterns to parts, so you can achieve the surface finish of injection-molded end-use parts. Labels improve part traceability throughout post-processing and delivery for more streamlined workflows. 

3D printed torso in Form 4BL 3D printer

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New Print Preparation Features

Manage Parts With Part Cages for SLS

Post-processing small or fragile SLS 3D printed parts can be tedious and time-consuming, requiring focus and additional care. Part Cages allow for batch post-processing of small parts, reducing the time spent cleaning each individual part. Simply shake out the powder when sifting and media blast before breaking open the cage using a pair of pliers or a Dremel. When it comes to fragile parts, suspending them in a Part Cage can reduce the damage to parts when cleaning with other parts.

Three cages in PreForm

Using Part Cages can streamline post-processing workflows and make batch processing of SLS parts more efficient.

We recommend the following when using Part Cages: 

  • Using a wall thickness of 1.5 mm for most cages helps the structure stay intact during post-processing while being easy enough to break open afterward. Most users use pliers or a Dremel to open cages, but at 1.5 mm, cages can often be opened with your hands in most cases. Eye protection should always be worn when opening cages.
  • Always try to make sure your bar spacing — the size of the holes in your cage — is less than or equal to the size of the parts in your cage so they do not fall out. Larger holes are easier to clean and use less powder. 

To learn more ways to level up the post-processing of SLS 3D printed parts, check out our webinar on advanced post-processing techniques.

Hollow Models and Add Drain Holes to Reduce SLA Material Usage

Hollowing models creates an internal cavity that reduces the amount of material used for a print. Hollow parts aren’t as strong as solid parts, so it is recommended that hollowing be used for models and not functional parts. When using hollowing, it’s strongly recommended to add drain holes to the model using the Hole feature to ensure resin can flow out of the hollow cavity, thereby preventing print failures.

Hollow benchy with drain holes in PreForm

Add drain holes to hollow models in PreForm to drain resin and reduce the risk of print failure.

In addition to using drain holes to enable the resin to escape hollow parts, you can also use them when cups — areas where liquid resin can pool — are detected in a build and there’s no way to reorient the model to avoid them. PreForm will alert you to the presence of cups, with yellow shading indicating the cup's location. 

To ensure a successful print, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind when creating hollow models or adding drain holes to a model:

  • Don’t make the walls too thin as this has the potential to lead to print failures. 
  • Adding drain holes is strongly recommended when using hollowing for SLA 3D printing. When printing hollow parts with SLA, failure to use the Holes feature in hollow parts can cause resin to collect in the hollow cavity and can cause print failures. 
  • Place the drain hole at the bottom of the part so the resin can flow out with gravity. 
  • Placing too many drain holes may reduce the structural integrity of the part, potentially leading to print failures.

New Model Manipulation Features

Texturing Parts

In February, we released Formlabs Texture Engine, a free, web-based tool built to apply textures and patterns to the surface of 3D printed models. The latest update adds this tool to PreForm, enabling the addition of textures and patterns to models directly in PreForm.

Texture on a model in PreForm

Adding textures and patterns to models directly in PreForm enables the customization of the look and feel of 3D printed parts.

Texturing changes the look and feel of 3D printed parts, so you can achieve a custom finish. We recommend experimenting with patterns and textures, and customizing and changing settings to see what works best for your application. Note that due to the power of this tool, complex textures might slow down PreForm performance.

Adding Labels

Prior to this update, users wishing to add labels to parts for customization or part tracking needed to add this information to a model before bringing it into PreForm for print setup. Now, it’s easy to add labels anywhere on a model within PreForm. 

Labels can be embossed or engraved on models. Users can scale the size of the label, place it anywhere on a model, and even control the depth of engraved text or the height of embossed text.

3D printed dental arch with labeling

Labeling parts helps with tracking, leading to streamlined workflows and increased efficiency.

In healthcare settings, labels are used to track parts from model through post-processing to finished part, ensuring customized, patient-matched parts reach their intended recipient. However, labeling parts can benefit numerous industries, minimizing communication errors and increasing efficiency. 

Enhance customization by personalizing parts with serial numbers, customer names, or other relevant information to improve part management, for easier identification throughout the production process. Rather than risk mixing up paperwork, relaying messages, or dealing with workflow disruptions, labeling ensures parts move through post-processing as efficiently as is possible while reducing the potential for errors.

Start Applying New Features

Free PreForm software makes it easy to automatically prepare your 3D models for printing in minutes. New features improve your ability to customize models and increase workflow efficiency, so you can produce the parts you want at lower costs. Additionally, integrations and partnerships with leading CAD software streamline the process of moving from design to print for an efficient, intuitive workflow. 

To start using new features, existing PreForm users can navigate to the Help menu and click Check for Updates. For new users, download our free PreForm software.

Download PreForm