Why Choose Color Base Resin?
Restock on Color Base Resin to create color models right off the printer with pigments available in Color Kit.
A Perfect Foundation
Pair Color Base Resin and Color Kit to create consistent colors throughout the entire part.
Minimize Waste
Use every bit of Color Pigment by replenishing your Color Base Resin.
Smooth Surface Finish
Print parts that have the polish and finish of a final product.
Color Base Resin paired with Color Kit is ideal for field testing aesthetic prototypes and concept models.
Consider Color Base Resin for:
16 Recipes, Infinite Potential
218, 89, 89

- Cyan0mL
- Magenta65mL
- Yellow35mL
- Black0mL
- White0mL
Material Properties*
Color Base Resin
Ultimate Tensile Strength
Tensile Modulus
Flexural Modulus
Notched Izod
Heat Deflection Temp @ 0.45 MPa
* Material properties may vary based on part geometry, print orientation, print settings, and temperature. Data was obtained from parts printed using Form 2, 100 μm, Clear settings and post-cured with 1.25 mW/cm³ of 405 nm LED light for 60 minutes at 60°C.
Form Wash Settings
10 minutes
When using a single wash bucket, residue from previously washed parts deposits on part surfaces. If washing darker-colored materials like Black Resin in the same wash bucket as lighter-colored materials like White Resin or Clear Resin, some color transfer may occur.
Form Cure Settings
30 min
60 °C
All standard opaque Formlabs resins (including Grey, Black, White, Color, and Model Resin) have equivalent mechanical properties. While the recommended post-cure time is 30 minutes, post-curing for 60 minutes will result in a small additional gain in tensile modulus. This post-cure setting can be used with any of these resins.