Why Choose Permanent Crown Resin?
Low water absorption and a smooth finish ensure restorations made from Permanent Crown Resin have a low tendency to age, discolor, or accumulate plaque.
High Strength
Produce a rigorously strong and precise permanent restoration with a validated workflow that ensures consistent production.
Leverage a tooth-colored, ceramic-filled resin to create confident patient smiles.
With an accessible price point and low cost per part, high-quality restorations are within reach for dental businesses of all sizes.
Provide the patient and clinician the peace of mind they deserve.
Permanent Crown Resin produces high strength, long term restorations with an accurate and precise fit.
Consider Permanent Crown Resin for:
Material Properties*
Permanent Crown Resin
Flexural Modulus
Water Solubility
Water Sorption
* Material properties may vary based on part geometry, print orientation, print settings, and temperature. Test samples were printed with a Stainless Steel Build Platform on a Form 3B printer with 50 μm Permanent Crown Resin settings. The printed samples were post-processed as recommended in the Instructions for Use. Screen reader support enabled